20/06/22 Expert opinion

3 examples of Serious Games

Examples of Serious Games

Over time, organizations have come to use more and more often Serious Games. They can now  address various objectives in terms of training, communication and awareness. Actually, as explained by Naz Behesti in an article for Forbes even a serious topic like a well-being program intended for employees can gain from including gamification.

Why? Serious Games can give additional impact to messages. At the same time, they reinforce the learners’ attention span and retention rate. They maximise the engagement.

Serious Games: 3 practical applications

You can reach your objectives and go beyond with the 3 applications of Serious Games detailed below:

  • Corporate culture training and product training
  • Raising awareness on a complex or sensitive topic
  • Strategic digital seminar

Related: Create your own digital game

Serious Game Example 1: Mobile-Game Sales Training

Serious Game Example

With a gamified experience, you can offer your internal and/or external audiences an immersion into your brand story, and convey serious & compelling messages on your products.

As the first example of Serious Game, take a look at 8 mini mobile-game sales trainings designed and developed by Emeraude Escape for Lancôme, the luxury skincare brand of L’Oréal group. Lancôme enabled their digital training courses for 100 000 retail beauty advisors worldwide (Sephora, Nocibé, Marionnaud, Douglas, Bloomingdale’s, Duty Free, etc) with gamification.  These mini mobile-games  in 10 languages were integrated in SCORM on LMS platforms of all retailer stores. The serious game format allows the sales representatives to learn faster, retain key information and create stronger bond between them and the brand.

The feedback about the game we designed and developed in collaboration with LANCÔME has been highly positive.

Regarding the numbers:

  • 93% of participants reported having fun while playing the game
  • 98% of participants reported knowing more about the product on which the Serious Game was based.

Regarding the value:

  • “Nothing to add, it was perfect.”
  • “(…) Lancôme is for me, the best when it comes to training.”
  • “It’s fun, it’s original, I really like it.”

To learn more, check out the video testimony of Nathalie Rivalain, France Retail Education Manager at Lancôme.

Serious Game Example 2: AI and Data Acculturation and Awareness

exemple serious game

In corporations, critical topics are always perceived as extremely difficult and/or hopelessly tedious. However, with traditional media, engaging teams and completing training goals on such topics is hard.

Emeraude Escape created an immersive Serious Game to raise awareness and educate people about the importance of data and AI in our daily professional lives. This project brought together datacraft, Danone, and Air Liquide.

Read the testimonials of Isabelle Hilali, CEO, and founder of datacraft, with whom the Emeraude Escape team worked in tandem, and here, the testimony of Jessica Mensah, Junior PMO Analyst (Global Data & Analytics) at Danone.

Serious Game Example 3: Digital Strategy Workshop

séminaire stratégique digital

In 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, companies were forced to conduct their meetings remotely. Digital Serious Game has shown to be a powerful tool to engage and federate teams.

It was during this period that AXPO teamed up with Emeraude Escape. The idea was to turn its annual leadership meeting into a memorable event. The goal was to retain participants’ attention while communicating the company’s strategic messages.

The project was a real success, and after the leadership meeting, our Serious Game was shared with all the group’s global employees. Martine Graziano, Head of Transformation & Innovation at Axpo, also shared her feedback.

This trend continues and grows. As a result, digital meetings and seminars are likely to increase in number along with zoom fatigue of employees. However, gamifying these events with a Serious Game is not only an excellent way to solve this issue but also to retain attention and create engagement and interaction among participants.

Serious Game Example 4: Gamified Digital Retail Training

This Digital retail training allows Carrefour:

  • to offer a new platform for its employees to have an enriched digital learning experience
  • to train its employees to become aware of daily use of technology in workplace environment regardless of their roles in the company
  • to help accelerate digital skills of all employees

To learn more, read the full article on Carrefour Gamified Digital Retail Tranining.

Learn more about Emeraude Escape

What we offer:

  • A Serious Game 100% tailor-made to your graphic charter and your brand
  • A unique scenario and games designed around your key messages
  • A follow-up, an implementation, and a final premium result
  • A conception within 1 or 2 months
  • You own the platform 100%, which means you can reuse it as often as you want and for as long as you want without any additional cost
  • We use the highest security standards, following the ISO 27001 data protection and security standards

Emeraude, in a few words:

  • Created 4 years ago
  • 60 employees (40 creators, 20 developers)
  • Specialist in tailor-made and high-end games
  • We make all our Serious Games in-house without subcontracting
  • 95% of our clients are big and prestigious corporations
  • 2 out of 3 clients request a second Serious Game

Our added value:

  • We can be integrated with any LMS in SCORM
  • All our Serious Games are Desktop and Mobile responsive
  • You can play all of our Serious Games in solo or multiplayer mode

Do you have a question? Contact us

A Serious Game design takes between 20 days and 3 months, depending on the complexity.

There is no limit to the number of participants because the serious game is 100% yours.

Prices are available upon request via our contact form.

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