Case Study

Carrefour – Gamified Digital Retail Training

Digital Retail training

Learning and development – Retail sales training serious game

Game format:
3D Serious Game

150 000+ employees to worldwide

Carrefour, Eighth Largest Retailer in the world

With the purpose of becoming the leading digital retail company by 2026, Carrefour has launched a digital retail training. The Serious Game was designed and developed by Emeraude Escape for 85,000 Carrefour employees in France and will reach over 150,000 employees globally by next year.

This Digital retail training allows Carrefour:

  • to offer a new platform for its employees to have an enriched digital learning experience
  • to train its employees to become aware of daily use of technology and e-commerce toolsin workplace environment regardless of their roles in the company
  • to help accelerate digital skills of all employees

Watch the testimonial of Zoé & Quentin, Group HR Transformation at Carrefour, about project design, KPIs, and much more:

A new form of training

Carrefour decided to choose Emeraude Escape to create a custom-made training called ‘Tous Digital’ (meaning ‘All digital’) for all employees across different sectors of Carrefour to immerse them in its virtual world. The game is designed to train a population that is particularly heterogeneous:

  • HQ employees who are used to having computers and smartphones in their daily work life and who are digital-friendly
  • Field employees who work in stores and warehouses who are not used to using digital technology constantly in their workplace environment

This gamified retail training developed in less than 2 months is meant to train 85k employees of Carrefour within 3 weeks. For all the trainees to have a unique experience of learning, Emeraude Escape has crafted carefully every single detail of Carrefour’s 3D town: the ambiance, the shape of the building, the lighting, the colors, the characters, etc.

The training of ‘Tous Digital’ has three parts. Each part delivers its own scene and its own key learning.

Digital Retail training

Game scenarios : The Martins

Digital Retail Transformation

Scene 1: The Martins in their living room

Theme: Digital is everywhere around us

For this part of the training, the focus was the digital culture and it shows how the lives of Carrefour’s employees and customers have changed and how they are influenced by digital innovations.

Digital Retail Transformation

Scene 2: On the street of Carrefour 3D Town

Theme: Multichannel Customer Services Carrefour France offers

On the street, where Katia, the mom, has to decide which type of delivery or what kind of shopping to choose. This is a focus on the multichannel customer services that Carrefour offers, and the differences among them.

Digital Retail Transformation

Scene 3: In the Carrefour Superstore

Theme: Data driven retail environment

In the superstore, Thomas and Zoe, the father and the daughter are looking for a BBQ. The trainees will have several exercises that show the importance of data in their everyday life as well as an exercise on Workplace from Meta, the new internal communication tool for Carrefour employees.

Make everyone’s life easier with digital

Two Ways of Providing the Training with An Innovative Approach

For HQ Employees: they are able to follow the training directly on their internal LMS. It takes approximately 30 minutes to complete the training and the employees will have to do it individually. Emeraude has developed the Game in SCORM to be able to fit to the LMS.

For Store and Warehouse Employees: the training is conducted in face-to-face manner in groups. This creates a unified moment that enables employees to learn about digital while having fun in doing so. Each session takes 1 hour including 10 minutes of introduction from the store or warehouse director.

Digital Retail Transformation

In total, 5 to 6 one-hour training sessions can be animated per day by a Game Master. In each training session, between 10 and 25 employees are gathered and split in three teams.

At the end of each scene in the game, there’s a ranking to highlight the best team performance among the three teams (A/B/C) competing against one another.

Emeraude Escape had developed rather simple yet innovative approach to animate the training. The game can be downloaded and be played offline, or played online through a webapp as many time as the employees want to be able to understand the messages and to achieve the training goal.

At the end of the training, employees can download a customized certificate that includes their first and last name. They can then share it on their professional social network.

The game was created to perform as a 3 weeks training for 454 stores and warehouses, which could have been 900 days of training if it was not done simultaneously.

The Project Team

Having the greatest team members on both sides is one of the main reasons this digital retail training became a success. Everyone involved worked hand in hand and managed to perform extremely well against the time, which is a real challenge for both Carrefour and Emeraude Escape.


  • Quentin Bardet, Director of HR Transformation and Cross-functional Projects
  • Véronique Cornier, Group Digital Transformation Director
  • Véronique Mort, Carrefour France Training Director
  • Zoé Bordelon, Group HR Transformation Manager

Emeraude Escape:

Emeraude Team gathered 18 members in total; one game designer/project manager, three 3D designers, two 3D animators, one 3D character, two 2D designer, 1 motion designer, one UX desinger, one sound designer, and six developers.

This project has been one of the best collaborations Emeraude Escape has ever done to date. It is so rewarding for us to witness our client successfully ran their 3 weeks ‘Tous Digital’ campaign and received overwhelming results.

For more detail of how we achieved the impossible, please check out the video of our game designer Ines Zenati.

Master of Planning

The game was completed and went live in 10 weeks. From the conception to completion, it was a race against time. The planning was broken down into 2 weeks of content, 1 week of scenario creation, 3 weeks of 3D design, 1 week of prototype and 3 weeks of developing, testing and debugging by the developers.

Behind the scene of the 3D Designs

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Mystery game

We have hidden several mini-games on our website, complete 3 of them to access a digital game developed especially for our visitors.


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