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Privacy Policy


Emeraude Escape is committed to protecting your privacy.

Updated on the 24th of October, 2023

It is our priority to be transparent about how we collect and use information about you. In accordance with the GDPR law by EU, this page is to help you understand the following:

  • What information we collect about you
  • What we do with your information
  • What access and control you have over your information

It covers information we collect about you when you interact with us, including using our services or affiliated services (for example, applying to become an Emeraude team member, entering contact information on our website to request a demo, becoming our client or connecting to your LMS where our services are integrated into).

We refer to all our games and services (including our website) as ‘Services’ in this policy.

If you do not agree with this policy, do not request or use our services or interact with any other affiliations of Emeraude Escape.

How your information is collected

This section explains to you how your information is collected via our services and what information is collected.

Notes: We cannot collect your information if you do not provide it to us. Your information is requested with your consent when you interact with our services or other sources that are affiliated to us.

Information you provide

  • Real name
  • Alias
  • Address
  • Contact number
  • Job title
  • Employer information
  • Internet protocol address
  • Online identifier and/or an email address
  • Date and time you interact with any of our services

Content you provide
We collect and store content that you share via our services such as image, NPS score, review and feedback.

Information you provide via customer support or technical support
We collect your information when you contact us for your technical issue of our services, open a support ticket, or engage with our support team. In this case, you will be asked to provide us with contact information, a summary of the problem you are experiencing, and other documentation such as screenshots and error messages that would be helpful in resolving the issue.

Payment information
We may collect payment or billing information of your employer under the circumstance of signing the contract and modification of services.

Information we collect automatically

We may collect some information about you automatically when you use our services, including browsing our websites. Detail as below:

  • Browsing history
  • Search history
  • All your interaction with our website

Use of services
We keep track of the date and time you visit our website and interact with any of our services. This information may include the features you use, the navigation journey you made on our website and your frequent search term to find us on the internet.

Devices and connection
We collect information about your computer, phone, tablet or any other devices you use to access our services. This includes your device operating system, browser type, IP address, URLs of referring/exit pages, device identifiers, and crash data.

Additional information

Third parties such as Google and other web services may use cookies and other storage technologies to collect or receive information from our websites and elsewhere on the internet and use it to provide personalized experience and target ads. You can opt-out of the collection and use of information for ad targeting using the options described below. The tracking technologies we utilize include the following:

We use various cookies for different web services, such as session ID and persistent cookies. Session IDs maintain your browser state, expiring when you close it, while persistent cookies stay on your hard drive for longer, helping us identify you on return visits. We may also collaborate with third-party services for analytics, affiliates, and advertising, which use cookies to recognize your computer for targeted ads. You can disable cookies in your web browser. If you’re unfamiliar with cookies, visit www.aboutcookies.org for guidance.

We use third-party analytics tools, like cookies, to understand how users interact with our services. These tools collect data on website visits, page views, and prior site visits. We solely use this data to enhance our services and do not merge it with your personal information. These tools may plant a persistent cookie on your browser for future recognition, and their use is subject to the third party’s terms and privacy policy. Learn about Google’s data usage here: Google Analytics Information.

Third parties
Third parties may gather your personal data, including IP addresses and digital identifiers, as you interact with our digital properties. They do this for purposes like personalizing offers and ads, analytics, bug monitoring, and more. For details on your rights and their data practices, refer to the links below:

Emeraude Escape Partners
We’re a partner of Edtech France and Teach on Mars. We receive information from our partners such as your interest and engagement with our services.

What we do with your information

Use of services and personalized experience
We use your information to verify your login, offer technical support and maintain the services.

Research and development
We analyze user data and feedback to find ways to enhance our services. Some users may be invited to test new features before making them available to the target audience.

We use your information for various communications, including content updates on our website and marketing material. This includes email marketing and social media publishing. For example, we may publish testimonials or featured case studies to promote our services, but only with your permission.

We use your information for recruitment purposes when applying to our job boards or careers page.

Legal rights
We use your data to verify accounts, monitor for suspicious activity and enforce service policies. If necessary by law or to protect rights and interests, we may also use your information for legal, compliance, regulatory, and business transaction purposes.

What access and control you have over your information

Complied with GDPR regulations
Among many objectives of GDPR, one is to protect and clarify the data privacy of European citizens and individuals in the EU. This ensures you retain certain data rights even after sharing it with us, as described below.

  • Right to object: You can object to data processing for legitimate interests, public tasks, marketing, or research, and we’ll stop, except in specific cases.
  • Right to withdraw consent: You can withdraw consent, and we’ll stop processing unless there’s another valid reason.
  • Data subject requests: You can request info confirmation, modification, or deletion, with some exceptions.
  • Right to erasure: You can request data deletion in certain cases, with limited exceptions.
  • Right to restrict processing: You can limit data processing in specific situations, e.g., for accuracy checks or legitimate interest disputes.
  • Right to rectification: You can request corrections, and we’ll inform third parties if necessary.
  • Data portability: You can transfer your data from one data controller to another. We’ll provide your data in a readable format and can do a direct transfer.
  • Right to lodge a complaint: You can complain to your local authority. Contact details are below.

National Commission on Informatics and Liberty
Address: 3 Place de Fontenoy. TSA 80715. 75334 Paris Cedex 07. France
Tel: +33 (0) 1 53 73 22 22

Legal basis for processing data

Legitimate interests
Under article 6 of the GDPR, we process your personal data for legitimate interests, except when your fundamental rights and interests require data protection. This applies to:

  • Candidates/Employees
    – If you’ve explored job offers or shared your CV on professional platforms, we assume your consent to use your data for relevant job opportunities.
    – We may share your data for legal compliance, detecting violations, tax matters and administrative functions.
  • Clients
    – We retain your data and interactions for the best services.
    – Occasionally, we ask for customer feedback, believing it aligns with our interests as a training service provider.
  • Suppliers
    – We use your data for service reception and payments.
    – These activities are in line with our interests as service recipients.
  • References and emergency contacts
    – References provided by candidates are used for quality assurance.
    – Emergency contact data is for safety in case of accidents or emergencies.

In specific situations, we must request your consent for processing your personal data. This can be either “opt-in” or “soft opt-in” consent. In the context of the GDPR, consent, as defined in Article 4(11), means:

  • You freely provide consent without any pressure.
  • You have clear knowledge of what you’re consenting to, with ample information provided.
  • You retain control over the processing activities you approve or decline, supported by strict controls in our privacy preference center.
  • Consent is expressed through affirmative actions, like checking a box. We maintain records of consents obtained in this manner. As previously mentioned, in certain cases, we may employ “soft opt-in” consent. This allows us to promote products or services related to our recruitment services as long as you haven’t explicitly opted out of receiving such communications.

Legal claims
We may process personal data, including sensitive data as required by local laws, to establish, exercise, or defend legal claims. GDPR Article 9(2)(f) permits such processing when it is necessary for these purposes or when courts are acting in their judicial capacity.
These situations may include seeking legal counsel for legal proceedings or complying with legal obligations to retain or disclose specific information in legal cases.

Notice to end users

Our services are designed for organizational use. If your access to our services is through an organization (e.g., your employer), that organization acts as the services administrator and is responsible for managing accounts and service sites. They serve as the Data Controller while we, Data Processor. Your use of the services is subject to their policies. We are not responsible for their privacy and security practices, which may differ from ours.

Data controllers may:

  • Reset your account password
  • Suspend or terminate your access
  • Access your account information
  • Modify your account data
  • Install or remove third-party apps or integrations
  • Change your account’s email address
  • Limit your ability to edit or delete information

Even if your organization does not currently manage the services, using a work email may give your employer control over your account. For more details, contact your organization or review their policies.


We won’t treat you unfairly for using your privacy rights. In most cases:

  • You’ll still have access to our goods and services.
  • We won’t change the prices, quality, or level of service you receive.
  • We won’t suggest different pricing or quality. However, we may offer financial incentives related to your personal data’s value, with clear terms. Participation requires your consent, which you can withdraw at any time.

Children’s policy
Our services aren’t for those under 13. We don’t knowingly collect their data. If we find out a child under 13 has given us personal info, we’ll remove it. Please reach out at [email protected] if you’re aware of a child sharing personal info with us.

Privacy policy updates
We may do the changes to our policy periodically. Changes will be posted on our blog, and the prior versions are available upon request. Reviewing our privacy policy is strongly recommended each time you use our services to stay informed about our data practices and protect your privacy. If you disagree with the changes, you must stop using our services.

Mystery game

We have hidden several mini-games on our website, complete 3 of them to access a digital game developed especially for our visitors.


You are one step closer to our digital game, complete mini-games to unlock it.


You now have access to the larger game developed especially for our visitors.
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