07/10/22 Expert opinion

E-Learning: 7 Tips For Employee Development

In the corporate world, employee development is directly related to working in a competitive environment.

Employees have to learn new skills and adapt to new situations because the expectations of employers keep changing.

The employee development process has transitioned from a top-down approach where the employer decides what needs to be done, to a more collaborative process where the employer and employee work together to determine the skills required for the position.

Why Is E-learning Critical for Employees?

Being the backbone of the company, employees are responsible for bringing in revenue and profits. But, what about their personal growth? What about their future?

Employee development is essential to any successful business, and online learning is the most effective way to make this happen. Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all training programs.

Having employees without a proper education is like going to college without knowing how to read and write. Online learning is critical for employee development because it’s the keystone to properly developing your employees.

This is where online learning comes in. It helps employees develop themselves through various courses and programs to help them grow professionally.

Related: How to improve corporate training with a Serious Game?

What Is Employee E-learning?

Employee e-learning is any form of instructional technology an organization uses to develop skills, knowledge, and abilities needed for a job.

An effective employee e-learning program ensures that employees are provided with ongoing training that can improve their skills.

Employee e-learning programs range from online to intranet-based training and videos produced by companies designed to increase productivity and decrease employee turnover.

Change is happening. Will your company be ready? Check out Emeraude Escape for more information on e-learning through gamification.

How Does Distance Learning Support Employee Development?

Man on computer working from home

Distance learning involves teaching at a distance. It can be done through the internet, television, and radio. One of the benefits of this type of education is that it does not require students to be physically present.

Students can learn from home or any other location with access to the technology needed for distance learning. Distance learning also helps employees develop new skills.

The use of video conferencing has helped employees by giving them access to experts in fields they are unfamiliar with. This has helped them develop new skills and grow their knowledge base.

Is E-learning Effective for Training & Developing Employees?

Short answer: no. Long answer: yes and no, depending on how you define “effective.”

One of the first things companies think about when creating a training program is the benefit of additional knowledge for employees. However, it’s more important to consider whether or not your organization can achieve its desired results by providing these training resources.

E-learning has been around for a while now and is an effective way of training employees. This type of training is best when the company needs to train its employees on the basics. It is also suitable when the company needs to train its employees on skills specific to a job.

This type of training is not as effective for developing employees. This is because e-learning does not have the same engagement level as in-person training.

7 Tips For Employee Development

Here are seven tips to help you take your e-learning program to the next level.

  • Create a Learning Management System: An LMS software application helps instructors manage the course. It also helps students communicate with instructors, view grades, submit work, and more.
  • Use different learning styles: Auditory, visual, and kinesthetic are the three basic types of learners. Every learner is different and progresses at different paces. In order to accommodate everyone, it’s recommended to use audio, visual, and hands-on activities when teaching.
  • Provide real-time feedback: Give feedback before or immediately after an assignment. It’s important to ensure students understand the concepts and what is expected of them.
  • Keep employees engaged with interactive content: Interactive content gives students something to do as they wait for the next lesson.
  • Keep it short and to the point: Keep lessons concise and short without overwhelming your employees.
    Make sure employees know what they are learning and why: Explain what the course is about and why it is relevant to the job.
  • Create a culture of continuous improvement: Encourage employees to answer and ask questions with the goal of improving themselves and the company.

Succeeding in the 21st century workplace has never been easier. Check out Emeraude Escape for more information on employee development.

What Are the Benefits of E-learning?


E-learning has become the norm. People are starting to realize that e-learning not only solves issues with scheduling difficulties and costs, but is an effective way to take your career to the next level.

Some of the benefits of e-learning include:

1. Flexibility
Adding flexibility to your learning time comes with a bonus: self-paced learning. When you log into your classes, you have the opportunity to watch lectures and review material at your own pace. If a question or problem gives you extra difficulty, you can pause to research further. You’re never rushed in the classroom—or the office.

2. Ability To Multitask
Online learning gives you time to do other things—like work, pay bills, cook dinner, and help your kids with homework. Employers recognize the benefit of this independent study program and expect their employees (even new college grads) to have the maturity level to manage their time accordingly.

3. Self Motivation
One of the most pivotal points about online courses is that you have to be self-motivated. If you have trouble motivating yourself, you’ll struggle to properly structure your time and dedicate hard work to your online course. The same applies if you’re looking for a full-time job—being motivated and productive on your own is crucial in the workplace.

Employers want a candidate who can take the initiative and take charge without being micromanaged; they want an employee who doesn’t need to be reassured or rescued every step of the way. This takes preparation and diligence; it means having the endurance and integrity to show up every day, give it all you’ve got, take feedback well, and hone your skills to improve.

How Do You Gamify E-learning?

Gamification has been proven to motivate and keep users engaged, leading to higher productivity.

Gamifying online courses and learning platforms can help learners stay engaged and motivated by providing them with challenges, rewards, achievements, and feedback.

There are many ways that a course or platform can be gamified like:

  • by adding game-like elements such as leaderboards, badges, achievements, and levels
  • by incorporating competitive elements such as multiplayer games or tournaments
  • by making the learning experience more interactive with quizzes or games
  • by adding social elements like sharing progress on social media.

Related: How To Create Diversity And Inclusion Training That Works

What Are Some Examples of Gamification in E-learning?

Some examples of gamification in online learning include:

Digital Escape Room, Treasure Hunt, and Digital Investigation: These formats encourage teamwork and develop problem-solving and concentration skills.

Quiz Race: This game is a great way to test the knowledge of a team because it helps you identify who is strong and who is weak. It also helps you discover how well your team works together.

Simulation Game: Simulation games often have a variety of benefits for online learners, such as improved knowledge retention, enjoyment, and motivation. Simulation games are typically cheaper than other types of educational software and can be more effective in teaching difficult concepts or skills.

All Emeraude Escape games are tailor-made and designed hand in hand with its clients, depending on their goals and challenges.

Create Employee Development Opportunities With Emeraude Escape

Assessing individual skills and creating an employee development plan is a formidable task, but it is worthwhile. By creating a learning plan, companies can improve their ability to bring out the best in their employees and ultimately create a strong future for the organization, which can only benefit the communities they serve.

It is essential to implement employee development even in the most competitive economy. If businesses don’t adapt, they can be blindsided and unprepared for a changing landscape.

This can be accomplished through an employee development program designed around each individual’s strengths and weaknesses. Emeraude Escape is a great place to start looking at how you can implement this type of program.

Related: Improving Virtual Onboarding for New Employees

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