Benefits Of Blended Learning In The Workforce

Efficiently communicating information to your employees is paramount to your company’s success. But how do you effectively implement learning methodologies when each person learns new ideas and skills differently?
The employment climate is changing rapidly with new generations entering the workforce. Adapting to your employee’s learning styles to reduce training time and costs is the best way to approach the delivery of new skills and information in your company.
We’ll show you what blended learning is and how you can implement it.
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What Is Blended Learning?
Blended learning describes the cohesive information-sharing strategies of using a traditional instructor and classroom setting, independent learning, and modern technology. We don’t need to reinvent the wheel; classic instructor-led options still hold value. But, you can make the process more efficient and effective when you combine teaching methodologies.
Blended learning combines traditional teaching strategies with more innovative methods. For example, e-learning options allow employees to learn new skills and procedures at a self-driven pace.
Where solitary e-learning fails to ensure the employee is maximizing the learning experience, hybrid e-learning, and instructor-led training ensure there are no information gaps.
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How Blended Learning Differs from Traditional Learning
Traditional learning typically involves a classroom, an instructor, and worksheets or instructions. While this teaching method is still helpful, there’s room for improvement. For example, traditional learning fails to meet the needs of many individuals. Some people can’t retain information in a formal classroom setting while others struggle to stay focused. We generally assume that adult learners are intrinsically-motivated and goal-oriented – the ideal situation. But even with the prospect of promotion, some individuals are challenged to succeed with traditional learning techniques.
Self-paced learning does not provide immediate feedback, answer questions, or update outdated information. Where these two methods fail to deliver, blended learning may succeed. Blended learning is a more complete educational package consisting of many learning styles and preferences.
Combining classroom instruction with more modern methods, such as e-learning or games-based teaching, engages the learners and offers more than one way to absorb new information.
Benefits of Blended Learning
Blended learning methodology offers more than traditional or modern methods such as e-learning. It takes the best of other learning and teaching techniques and combines them in flexible ways for the benefit of learners. There is no set ‘measure’ of each method, it depends on the information being taught and the needs of the learners. Expediting the teaching process is simple, and the benefits are astronomical.

Convinced that blended learning works but not sure where to start? All you need to do is click here!
Blended Learning Saves Time and Money
Implementing new teaching styles doesn’t have to cost a lot of time or money. Although it may seem counterproductive to purchase more learning materials, increased productivity is an excellent return on investment.
Utilizing the skills and benefits of an instructor for some material, then switching to self-paced learning materials allows employees to retain more information in a shorter time. Getting back to work with an optimal understanding of changes in procedure or new skills is the primary goal of any work-related course.
Despite the upfront costs of new course outlines and aids, self-paced teaching materials can be recycled and used again. Instructors can teach newly developed information quickly. Combining different strategies ensures that every employee gets the most out of their time.
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It makes for a Fun Experience
Learning isn’t always fun for everyone. Even adults struggle to stay focused and engaged in traditional learning environments. Others may want to complete self-paced learning programs as quickly as possible, missing pertinent information.
Blended learning offers several methodologies employers can utilize to create a fun experience. Games, interactive materials, and qualified instructors are practical tools to help employees learn quickly and efficiently.
Even employees who typically don’t participate in office functions and activities will find something to enjoy about new training methods that cast a broad net of exciting materials and information delivery.

Ideal for Self-Paced Learners
Some employees consume and digest information at their own pace. These people often need help to succeed in a traditional classroom setting. Other learners prefer instructor-led material to keep them engaged or answer questions.
Blended learning is a way to help self-paced learners while still offering traditional learning options. For example, spending hours in a classroom can be tedious, takes away from productivity, and the instructor may leave a few pupils behind. But, self-paced learning allows the student to go over information as many times as they need. They may confidently take in the learning material as slowly or as quickly as is natural and efficient for them. Often, reiterating information in new and exciting ways is the perfect means of filling in any gaps left behind after training sessions.
Boosts the Training Effectiveness
After spending time creating and investing in training material, employees should be ready to implement their newly-learned skills immediately. Success is only possible with effective teaching practices.
Exclusively using e-learning or instructor-led tactics creates opportunities for information gaps. Effectively teaching employees happens when the methodology supports each person’s learning style.
Blended learning is more effective than other teaching methods because individuals can digest the information in ways that best suits their specific learning styles.
Offers Flexible and Customizable Options
Blended learning is a broad term for implementing many teaching techniques. Some companies prefer instructor-led classes combined with e-learning as homework. Others prefer e-learning with games and rewards.
Blended learning lets the instructors determine the best methods for workforce education.
Companies should take multiple teaching methods and implement them to make learning effective, efficient, and engaging.
Easier To Track Success
Employees left to learn new skills and information on their own often need help understanding important material. Traditional learning strategies and more innovative methods taught in sync allow an instructor to receive real-time feedback while e-learning materials will track progress.
The instructor-led methodology combined with e-learning and other self-paced options complements each other perfectly.
Consider Adding Blended Learning To Your Workforce
What’s better than increasing productivity and your employees’ skills? Blended learning has a lot to offer. Implementing multiple learning strategies is the perfect solution for training new and existing employees, from cutting training costs to getting a more knowledgeable workforce back to work faster.
Maximizing the information received in training while reducing costs and creating a fun learning experience is only possible when you consider blended learning.

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