How To Effectively Incorporate A Company Safety Program

Every business wants to keep its employees safe. But what does that mean for your company? What is the best way to create a safety program?
Utilizing digital games to train your employees on safety is one of the best ways to incorporate a safety program. Through gamification, you can design a game to help your employees engage and understand safety within the workplace.
Of course, there are other ways you can incorporate a safety program into your company too. In this blog post, you’ll discover those different ways and how you can use gamification to help your employees gain better knowledge on workplace safety.
In search of ways to enhance workplace safety? Discover how gamification can take your safety program to a new level.
What Are the Different Types of Safety Training?
Before building your safety program, you must learn the different types. This will help you decide how to develop your safety training. Below are three examples of a safety program.
Toolbox Talks
These training usually last 10 – 15 minutes and are often during informal meetings. During toolbox talk training, a supervisor will remind employees of the importance of safety and how to report an incident. You can schedule these talks several times throughout the week and discuss different topics during each one.
For example, Monday, you can discuss how to look for hazards; Wednesday, you can discuss risk assessments; and Friday, the discussion can be a reminder of safety policy. Holding these meetings regularly can encourage employees to take safety more seriously and cultivate a safe environment for the workplace.
Refresher Training
As everyone needs to be reminded about something, it’s essential for you, as the boss, to remind your employees about safety. You can do this by conducting regular refresher training at least once every three to six months.
And as everyone doesn’t always learn best through talks, digital games are the best way to do this. Gamification can encourage employees to pay attention to safety and retain information better. It’s a way to help them learn information without becoming bored with the subject being taught to them.
Induction Training
For new employees to take safety matters seriously, they must be trained before they start working within the business. Induction training will help new employees become familiar with the workplace and understand the safety policies and procedures.
Of course, gamification is a great way to build induction training for your new employees. They can take quizzes to test their safety knowledge or play a simulation game to help them understand safety procedures better before getting on the work floor.
Consider Using Apps To Help Train Your Employees
A unique way to train your employees is by using an application they can download onto their phones. It will also allow them to learn more about workplace safety at home.
During their free time, employees can log into the app, practice workplace safety, and stay updated on the latest policies and procedures changes. This is especially beneficial for companies with a large workforce or those working in hazardous environments. With app-based safety training, employees can access the information at any time on their mobile devices.
Create a Safety Reporting System
Company safety programs are important, but they can only do so much. That’s where a safety reporting system comes in. Having a system in place for employees to report hazards can create a safer workplace and identify potential problems before they cause an accident. But what kind of system should you create?
There are a few things to consider when designing a safety reporting system:
- You need to decide who will be responsible for collecting the reports. This could be a designated safety officer or a team of managers.
- You need to decide how the reports will be collected. Will they be submitted electronically or in person?
- You need to establish a process for investigating and addressing the reports.
With some planning, you can create a safety reporting system to help your company avoid accidents and create a safer workplace.
Quiz your workers on the Importance of Safety
Company safety programs are important, but they won’t do any good if your employees don’t buy into them. That’s why it’s important to ensure that you regularly test your workers on their knowledge of safety.
During training consider having stopping moments to test what they are learning. You can do this with a short interactive quiz to help make it seem less intimidating.
For example, our quiz race format is an excellent choice to help to ensure your employees are retaining the information they’re learning during the program. If you find your workers are struggling to understand a section, you can reformat the game to help them learn better.
Emeraude Escape is here to help you build the perfect digital game for your safety program. Learn more here if you want to find out how we can help you do this.
Related Link: How to Improve Corporate Training With A Serious Game?
Train Your Workers on Safety One on One
Company safety programs help ensure that all workers know the potential risks associated with their job tasks and how to avoid them best. However, you may want to decide training your employees one on one when it comes to creating a safe workplace.
With big companies, it may be hard to facilitate this, but you can design a system where older employees watch over newer ones to ensure they following procedures. When new employees are being watch over by older employees it can be easier to identify hazards and prevent accidents.
In addition, when a new employee has questions, they will have someone there to quickly answer them for them. This helps them feel supported in the workplace and feel safe on the actions they are taking when it comes to being safe. When workers feel safe and supported, they are more likely to be productive and engaged in their work.
Related Link: How To Create Diversity And Inclusion Training That Works

Have Inspections Ensuring Workers Are Staying Safe
Company safety programs are designed to protect workers from injuries, but they can only do so if they’re followed. That’s why it’s essential to have regular inspections to ensure everyone follows the rules and procedures. These inspections can be conducted by supervisors or by an outside company. Either way, they should be conducted regularly and involve a thorough review of all facility areas. By taking these precautions, you can help ensure that your workers are staying safe on the job
Some companies have started using prevention games to make the most of inspection time. These games challenge workers to find and correct potential hazards before they can cause accidents. By engaging workers in active problem-solving and prevention games can help improve safety, morale, and productivity. These games can help workers identify and avoid potential hazards by simulating real-world situations. When combined with regular inspections, prevention games can help to create a safer work environment for everyone.
Always Led by Example When It Comes to Safety
Company safety programs are important, but they’re only effective if employees actually follow the rules. That’s why it’s so important for managers to lead by example when it comes to safety. Employees who see their managers taking shortcuts or ignoring safety protocols are more likely to do the same. On the other hand, if managers set the tone by following the rules and enforcing them consistently, employees are more likely to do the same. In short, leading by example is the best way to ensure that employees take safety seriously. So next time you’re tempted to take a shortcut, remember that your employees are watching and following your lead.
Do you want to learn more about how your training may be improved? Take a peek at what’s new on our blog!
Plan Your Safety Program Around These Steps To Protect Everyone
Company safety programs are essential to protecting employees, but they must be comprehensive to be effective. In addition, you may need to look for unique ways to build a safety program that will help your employees understand and retain the information better.
For example, gamification allows employees to learn information in a fun way and ensure they retain it. By following the steps above and utilizing digital games, you can create a safety program that will help protect everyone in the workplace.
Related Link: Raising Awareness to Cybersecurity Inside Organizations

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