Case Study

a-Maze: Serious Games for CSR training

a-Maze, certified B Corp, asked Emeraude Escape to create 2 CSR serious game called ‘Diamondo‘ and  ‘Agrimondo‘.

Social Environmental Awareness Game

Employee Awareness – CSR & ESG

Game format:
2D Virtual Escape Room

Luxury groups

a-Maze, Subsidiary of dss+ and Voxia communication, Switzerland


Diamondo is a serious escape game to raise awareness on social and environmental impact that the luxury industry has caused through supply chain and operations, and to encourage responsable and ethical business practices in the industry.

Interactive Serious Game about supply chain, from mining and processing to commercializing

Social Environmental Awareness Game

a-Maze’s first collaboration with Emeraude Escape is to highlight the diamond industry, which pollutes and does not always respect human rights. Through this fun and engaging game, the goal is to raise awareness about the diamond industry while putting several important issues on the spotlight:

  • Diamond mining and pollution
  • Labors and working conditions
  • Diamonds mined in war zones and sold to finance armed conflicts
  • Transformation process and CO2 emissions
  • Diamonds transported around the world to be cut, polished and sold
  • Means of transport and eco- design packaging

Game scenario:

You start the game in a bank vault, a diamond has been stolen. The thief has left clues behind so that you can find the diamond. Throughout the game you will discover new escape rooms by learning important different phases in diamond mining, production, shipping and selling and by solving the mysteries behind the stolen diamond .

You will have several puzzles to solve to advance in each room. You will be guided by the thief, he will explain the different areas and help you with the puzzles. The player spends about 10-15 minutes in each room. The duration can be varied based on the learner’s ability to absorb the information given through the clues.

This complex serious game was created to help you discover the little-known sector, but above all to make you aware of the issues that this industry can have on the environment and human rights.

Mode: Solo and Multiplayer

Module: 5

  • diamond vault,
  • the mine
  • the airport custom
  • casino
  • shopping center in China

Duration: 10-15 min

Level: Difficult

Social Environmental Awareness Game

Benefits of Gamified CSR Training focused on the impact of human actions

Many companies in luxury sector are invested in training and learning programs for organizational development. Gamification is one of the most popular methods to deliver modern day e-learning programs that give employees a more autonomous and engaging experience. There are several benefits to the professional environments by implementing;

  • Environmental Responsibility
  • Ethical Responsibility
  • Philanthropic Responsibility
  • Economic Responsibility

into their gamified CSR training. The benefits include increased employee retention, reinforced corporate image and opening up more innovation and creativity in corporate settings.

Social Environmental Awareness Game

A Serious Escape Room Game Rich in CSR good Practices and Theories

Diamondo raises awareness about the diamond industry and the significant impact it can have on the environment. a-Maze uses gamification technique to address these issues through responsible mining practices, certification schemes such as the Kimberley Process, and initiatives to reduce the environmental impact of diamond mining and processing.

Use gamification to educate and train your employees. Contact Emeraude Escape to create your own engaging experience.

Social Environmental Awareness Game


A Serious Game that breaks down the complexity of sustainable development

When a-Maze entrusted Emeraude Escape with a project to shed light on the complexity of sustainable development in agri-food sector, it meant a lot to our team as it is one of the core values we’re fully committed to. Through this CSR awareness serious game, several important issues are brought to attention:

  • Water and disturbing truths about plastic use
  • Microplastic waste and the effects of food packaging
  • Agriculture system and production of animal protein
  • Food value chain and labour conditions
  • Daily food waste
  • Agri-food supply chain and CO2 Emission

Serious Escape Room Game for Sustainability

Game scenario:

Our planet resources are not limitless, but demand continues to rise. Consumption in the future will be very different from present day.

A multigenerational family was getting ready to have dinner. When they started to take seat at the table, 6 essential items of their meal started to disappear. A strange portal opened suddenly and someone walked out of the portal, the man claimed that he came from the future to warn them that they needed to pay attention to their current buying/consumption behaviour in order to protect the resources in the future.

The mission is to help each member of the family to understand what they must do to bring back the 6 missing items of their meal to enjoy a nice family dinner.

Mode: Solo and Multiplayer

Level: Difficult

Serious Escape Room Game for Sustainability

Scene: Eco-exhibit at a-Maze museum
Mission: To find the soup can

Puzzle example: Design for Recycling (DFR)
To find the secret room inside the museum where the soup can is stored, players have to collect the knowledge hidden on the paintings to rank from lowest impact packaging to highest impact packaging.

Objective: to use eco-design and eco-packaging for food products:

minimize the quantity of packaging material use
facilitate reuse

Serious Escape Room Game for Sustainability

Scene: Chocolate plantation
Mission: To find the chocolate bar

Puzzle example: Food value chain (FVC)
Players need to find seven golden cacao pods around the cacao plantation and drop them in the chocolate bar maker. Then they are asked to allocate the golden chocolate bar to the four actors in the value chain; farmer, trader, manufacturer and retailer. It is a learning process for the players to understand who earns more and who earns how much from the whole value chain.

Player objectives:
To be conscious about our action in buying and eating behaviour. Action today impacts the life in the future and sustainability is the only way moving forward.

Address complex issues of sustainability in Interactive Escape Rooms

Serious Escape Room Game for Sustainability

Agrimondo CSR Serious Game simplifies the problems that corporations face in bringing awareness for complex CSR issues to their employees. These interactive escape room games explain how companies can combine gamification and social responsibility training for an exceptional employee training experience. Contact us for your own project on CSR training.

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