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04/10/24 Expert opinion

Serious Games and E-Learning: Integration and Benefits for Optimising Corporate Training

Serious Games and e-learning: integration and benefits for your company

Serious Games, games designed with an educational purpose in mind, are revolutionising professional training in companies. Thanks to gamification, they make e-learning more dynamic, offering learning that is both fun and effective. But what is the difference between a Serious Game and a traditional e-learning course? Let’s dive in and find out.

Definition of a Serious Game

A Serious Game is a fusion of serious objectives and play mechanics derived from video games. Unlike traditional games, it does not focus solely on entertainment. It is designed to achieve educational, informative or awareness-raising objectives.

Serious Games can be used in a variety of fields:

These games offer an interactive learning experience where learners make decisions and solve problems in a safe environment. In this way, they develop skills while stimulating players’ motivation.

Thanks to their ability to combine learning and fun, Serious Games have become essential tools in modern training.

The role of Serious Games in corporate e-learning

The educational benefits of Serious Games

Serious Games offer a number of educational advantages that enrich learning. Thanks to their interactive approach, they can be used to develop practical and theoretical skills.

By creating realistic scenarios, they encourage problem-solving and decision-making – essential skills in the professional world.

Serious Games also encourage learner engagement by making learning more attractive and motivating. They adapt the content to the pace of each user, offering a personalised experience. This makes it easier to memorise and apply the knowledge acquired.

Many sectors are adopting these games to train their teams effectively. For example, in the field of workplace safety, simulations enable employees to practise protocols without risk. Serious games are thus becoming invaluable tools for improving learners’ professional and personal skills.

Integrating Serious Games into a corporate e-learning strategy

Reasons why companies are adopting Serious Games

Companies are adopting Serious Games for a number of reasons. They reduce costs by avoiding the need for face-to-face training. This type of game also encourages employee commitment and motivation, making learning more attractive.

Serious Games are effective for simulating complex situations, which is particularly useful in sectors such as healthcare or aeronautics. They offer an immersive learning experience that makes it easier to memorise information.

Companies also appreciate the flexibility they offer. Employees can learn at their own pace, which is ideal for geographically dispersed teams.

Serious Games also enable learning to be customised, adapting to the specific needs of each user.

Using a Serious Game in corporate training

To effectively integrate a Serious Game into a corporate training programme, several steps are essential. First, define the precise educational objectives: this guides the design of the game and ensures its alignment with the company’s needs. Next, design a compelling scenario that encourages participants to get involved.

Make sure the game is accessible and intuitive for all users. Incorporate interactive elements to maintain interest, such as challenges or quizzes tailored to the skills to be developed.

Finally, once the game has been deployed, gather feedback from participants to adjust and optimise the training experience, ensuring effective and lasting learning.

Designing a Serious Game for e-learning

The stages involved in designing a Serious Game

To design a Serious Game, a methodical process is essential. Start by clearly defining the educational objectives you wish to achieve. These must be directly linked to the needs of the learners. Next, Emeraude will help you create a captivating scenario that guides the player through stimulating challenges. The scenario must not only be engaging, but also relevant to the objectives set.

Emeraude Escape incorporates adapted game mechanics that keep participants interested. For example, using levels, rewards and challenges to encourage progression.

Graphic design is also crucial: it must be immersive and attractive to captivate players and Emeraude Escape takes care of this part with its 2D and 3D designers.

Examples of Gamification techniques in E-learning

To effectively integrate gamification into e-learning, several techniques can be adopted to make learning more interactive and engaging. Here are a few examples:

  • Points and badges: Reward learners for each module completed or objective reached. This boosts motivation and encourages continued participation.
  • Progression levels: Offer learners levels to progress through, enabling them to visualise their progress and achieve progressively more difficult objectives.
  • Rankings: Create scoreboards to encourage healthy competition between participants. This can boost commitment by offering a sense of achievement.
  • Quests and missions: Turn modules into interactive adventures where learners have to solve challenges. This playful approach enriches the educational experience, making learning both enjoyable and memorable.

When properly integrated, these techniques can significantly enhance the online learning experience.

How can we measure the impact of Serious Games on corporate learning?

Companies can measure this impact using key performance indicators (KPIs). These include

  • Knowledge retention rate: Tracking this rate helps to assess how much information remains in memory after using the Serious Game.
  • Performance improvement: Comparing performance before and after training helps to quantify the progress made.
  • Feedback from participants: Gathering feedback from users helps to identify the game’s strengths and areas for improvement.

By integrating these indicators, companies can adjust their approach to maximise the benefits of Serious Games.

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