Simulation Game

Reproduce situations as close to reality as possible to prepare your teams.
Jeu de simulation

Everything is possible.


Like a flight or driving simulator, you pilot a particular situation by making the best decisions! In this simulation format, the player is immersed in a virtual universe that recreates as closely as possible real-life situations related to the company’s objectives. During the experience, the different scenes allow the players to understand and assimilate the issues they have to face in the real world in order to improve their performance. The simulation game offers the possibility to anticipate unforeseen professional situations by designing them in the game to allow the player to adopt the best possible solution to the problem in question.


This game format allows the company to take measures to protect itself against the consequences of unpredictable events by imagining multiple scenarios and by arming its employees with the right reflexes and tools of logic, rationality and safety.

This educational and gamified tool favors a positive atmosphere where the messages conveyed are more easily adopted in order to be put into practice when a similar case occurs in the company.

Create your digital game, how does it work?

The conception of the digital game is done hand in hand between our Game Designers and your company’s teams. You tell us your objectives, issues, guidelines, and/or concepts that you want players to take away from their experience; we discuss them and determine the format together. Our games are customized to your company’s image and integrate all the elements you want to appear in the game, while respecting your graphic charter.

It takes from 20 days to 3 months to design a Simulation game.

The budget can be requested on our contact form.

Our servers are made for up to 200,000 players simultaneously thanks to our DevOps skills.

The Simulation game belongs to you, which means you can reuse it as often as you want and as long as you need, with no additional cost.

Our Recommendations

  • Duration

    The player plays at their own pace, which allows the company to understand the difficulties and shortcomings of each player.

  • Number of players

    From a single player because ideally played solo.

  • Even more

    Using interactive videos in the simulation game allows each player to live a unique experience whose course is influenced by his choices and decisions.

Mystery game

We have hidden several mini-games on our website, complete 3 of them to access a digital game developed especially for our visitors.


You are one step closer to our digital game, complete mini-games to unlock it.


You now have access to the larger game developed especially for our visitors.
Book A Demo
Talk to an expert from our team and get an overview of our immersive games.

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