Quiz Race

Questions related to the company (or not) to challenge your employees

Quiz Race is a quiz reimagined to make it more challenging and fun.
Players (solo) or teams (multiplayer) are ranked in real time according to their level of knowledge and skills.
At the end of the Quiz Race, you have at your disposal a personalized back-office offering you KPIs related to training: which subject is better mastered than another? On which topic did your employees have difficulty? Conversely, what content did your entire organization retain with flying colors? After the game, this will allow you to focus, redirect or confirm your training strategy.
Behind the fun aspect, this format offers a real and lasting interest for your company by giving you access to numerous data. In human terms, this format has an impact on the relationship between the different employees of the company, especially during group projects where common decisions will have to be adopted.
Create your digital game, how does it work?
The conception of the Quiz Race is done hand in hand between our Game Designers and your company’s teams. You tell us your objectives, issues, guidelines, and/or concepts that you want players to take away from their experience; we discuss them and determine the format together. Our games are customized to your company’s image and integrate all the elements you want to appear in the game, while respecting your graphic charter.

It takes from 20 days to 3 months to design a Quiz Race.
The budget can be requested on our contact form.
Our servers are made for up to 200,000 players simultaneously thanks to our DevOps skills.
The Quiz Race belongs to you, which means you can reuse it as often as you want and as long as you need, with no additional cost.
Our Recommendations
To create the adrenaline of the challenge, we recommend a short predefined time for the team game (from 30 seconds for the simplest answers to 1 minute for the most complex). For the solo version, a progression at the learner’s pace is possible.
Number of players
Starting at 2 participants per team
Gamification of KPIs
You will be able to analyze the quantified technical knowledge as well as the qualitative skills thanks to the back-office at the end of the game
This format is perfectly adapted to training and team building themes
Our different modes
The Quiz Race is used to validate and certify the knowledge acquired by the player at the end of a training or learning session. Like a validation test, this format tests the player by allowing him to put to good use the notions acquired throughout the training. The game-like setting encourages positive learning and active participation by the player. Key figures to memorize, specific work processes to appropriate, key dates in the company to remember, etc.: the modules on which you can question the player are all based on the same principles. The modules you can ask your employees about are numerous. Whether it’s about technical skills and notions or interpersonal skills, analyze your teams’ understanding and performance through the Quiz Race.
Une fois le joueur finalise son Quiz Race en atteignant un score de réussite, fixé par l’entreprise, il reçoit un certificat attestant de sa formation complétée.
How does it work in practice? A question appears on the players’ screen. From that moment on, a timer appears and the team has a predefined time to consult and agree on a collective answer. Once all members have clicked on the same answer (after deliberation), it is locked and validated. Was it the right answer?
In this team configuration, the Quiz Race is an excellent way to encourage team building and collaborative challenge: team cohesion is indeed key in this challenging format where employees have a limited time to make a decision together.