Interactive Video

A realistic and interactive format for players to become main characters within the plot.
The Escape Game meets fiction with this interactive and participative video format. The players are placed in the heart of a real investigation where they will have to collect clues and solve enigmas. The plot is unfolded in short video sequences lasting from 30 seconds to 2 minutes and following each other as the players perform actions.
At the end of each sequence, each player has to make a choice: search the room, take a closer look at an object, follow another trail, open a locker, explore a memory, calculate a mathematical formula, etc. Designed as a labyrinth with many paths to discover, our interactive video concept provides surprises while keeping players on the edge of their seats.
The interactive videos are totally personalized to the company’s image and designed to serve the message you wish to deliver to your teams. Thus, each player becomes the master of a unique story and lives an unparalleled experience. The videos offer several levels of complexity: on a basic level, the player can be invited to visit a dozen possible paths to solve his investigation, in a more advanced level, the player can be encouraged to interact with many objects or to decipher more difficult puzzles. For the most experienced players, codes can be hidden in a selection of sequences, to be located in order to unlock exclusive content or bonuses!
Creating your digital game, how does it work?
The conception of the interactive video is done hand in hand between our Game Designers and your company’s teams. You tell us your objectives, issues, guidelines, and/or concepts that you want players to get from their experience; we discuss and determine the format together. Our games are customized to your company’s image and integrate all the elements you want to appear in the game, while respecting your graphic charter.
It takes from 20 days to 3 months to design an Interactive Video.
The budget can be requested on our contact form.
Our servers are made for up to 200,000 players simultaneously thanks to our DevOps skills.
The Interactive Video belongs to you, which means you can reuse it as often as you want and as long as you need, with no additional cost.
Our Recommendations
From 20 minutes to 45 minutes depending on the level of complexity of the interactive video (sequences from 30 seconds to 2 minutes)
Once, during a seminar or other company event. Ideal for immersing an employee in the company’s universe
Number of players
Videos available in several levels of complexity and scenarios
To go a little further...
We choose together the level of complexity of your interactive video. From a linear path with a limited choice of options, we can move to a much more elaborate level with a multitude of paths to take. The challenge can be even greater thanks to the presence of clues finely hidden in the scenes (codes, series of numbers, symbols, etc.) that only the most attentive players will notice in order to access exclusive content.
This interactive video format projects players into the world of your choice: a police investigation, a secret recipe to recompose, an algorithm to find, a treasure hunt… Your employees are the protagonists of a story written especially for you.

Integrate Artificial Intelligence in Serious Games for a dynamic and scalable experience

Project participants into a custom-made virtual world in metaverse.

Boost employee engagement and learning fun with a virtual scavenger hunt

Reproduce situations as close to reality as possible to prepare your teams.

Inspired by speed dating, bring together, at random, players from your company for a series of short ice-breaking games, to help team bonding.

Inquire, question, and investigate! Cluedo mobilizes the whole team to reveal the long-awaited truth with a series of clues

Players will have to search, open chests, discover new rooms, and solve a series of puzzles in a limited time.

A physical or hybrid immersive escape game experience.