Physical Escape Room / Hybrid

A physical or hybrid immersive escape room experience.
Escape Game Physique / Hybride

We’ll design a tailor-made Escape Game from A to Z, with a highly immersive setting adapted to the dimensions and constraints of the space provided. The number of players and the duration of the game will be adapted to your specifications. The Escape Game will be created with a unique scenario and puzzles in line with your DNA and values. Once completed, the turnkey Escape Game will be handed to you together with its intellectual property.

We offer several formats of physical Escape Room:

Container Escape Room

Into a 20′ or 40′ container, we set up the decors, walls, floor, ceiling, lights, etc. This format guarantees maximum immersion… We ship everywhere in the world.

container escape room

Mobile / nomadic Escape Room

Easily transportable, installable and dismountable, it can be moved from site to site & redecorate the room of your choice. It is stored into flight case.

mobile escape room

Puzzle box

Easily transportable, this mini puzzle box format can be used during various events. For teams of 1 to 5 players. It can be duplicated many times.

puzzle box

Create your own Escape Game, how does it work?

The conception of an Escape Room is made hand in hand between our Game Designers and your company’s teams. You tell us your objectives, issues, guidelines, and/or concepts that you want the players to assimilate from their experience; we discuss and determine the best format together. Our games are customized to your company’s look & feel and integrate all the elements you want to appear in the game, while respecting your graphic chart.

It takes from 20 days to 3 months to design a Physical Escape Room / Hybrid.

The budget can be requested on our contact form.

Our different modes

We create a physical Escape Room in your workplace, in your offices, in a particular place, outside, etc., The idea is to promote real communication between all employees.

The Hybrid Escape Room mixes digital and real-life channels to develop a customized solution that combines the codes of the physical Escape Game and the digital game.

Mystery game

We have hidden several mini-games on our website, complete 3 of them to access a digital game developed especially for our visitors.


You are one step closer to our digital game, complete mini-games to unlock it.


You now have access to the larger game developed especially for our visitors.
Book A Demo
Talk to an expert from our team and get an overview of our immersive games.

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